This is my diary/journal/blog!! I'm gonna put things i write in here. maybe creative writing. maybe life updates. maybe quotes and posts from across the web
ouahhh!! you found my diary >~<
you can read it....but be nice!!
This is my diary/journal/blog!! I'm gonna put things i write in here. maybe creative writing. maybe life updates. maybe quotes and posts from across the web
I've spent a lot of time today working on my site! I slept in really late because I was awake until 6am waiting for my partner to come home!!
and then the apartment maintence men came and woke me up!
so i've spent the day working on my site and listening to the EPIC musical. I keep finding new songs in the albums that I like. I think my favorite one right now is a tie between Wouldn't You Like and Suffering
I really like the way they depict Hermes as a little fruity wwwwwww
hwuaoghhh oh noooooooo
lioden -
chicken smoothie -
spacehey -
listening: Wouldn't You Like
watching: One Piece
reading: Bunny